Friday, December 25, 2009

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

what are some other things like that you can put in your name?

i saw someone that had little music notes in theres.

and i've seen some with crosses %26amp; stuff.

does anyone know those codes?

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

you hit "Alt" and a number. for example, to get 鈾?you hit "Alt" and "1" and "4." (hold them all in at the same time))

hearts (鈾? --Alt and 3

double eight notes (鈾? --Alt and 14

eight note (鈾? --Alt and 13

smiley (鈽? --Alt and 1

this goes from like 1 through some large number =]

note: you have to use the keypad numbers....but make sure you have Num Lock on.

Just a note if you do use the alt functions when you update your profile people will still see the heart or music note or whateber you want to use. If you use %26amp;----; way it will show up as the that.

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

its the same codes as msn

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

sorry go to google and type in myspace help

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

hearts is 鈾?br>You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

alt codes...hold alt then pree these number on your number pad....on the right not the numbers on top

ALT-0128 鈧?ALT-0129 聛 ALT-0130 鈥?

ALT-0131 茠 ALT-0132 鈥?ALT-0133 鈥?

ALT-0134 鈥? ALT-0135 鈥?ALT-0136 藛

ALT-0137 鈥?ALT-0138 艩 ALT-0139 鈥?

ALT-0140 艗 ALT-0141 聧 ALT-0142 沤

ALT-0143 聫 ALT-0144 聬 ALT-0145 鈥?

ALT-0146 鈥?ALT-0147 鈥?ALT-0148 鈥?

ALT-0149 鈥?ALT-0150 鈥?ALT-0151 鈥?

ALT-0152 藴 ALT-0153 鈩?ALT-0154 拧

ALT-0155 鈥?ALT-0156 艙 ALT-0157 聺

ALT-0158 啪 ALT-0159 鸥 ALT-0160

ALT-0161 隆 ALT-0162 垄 ALT-0163 拢

ALT-0164 陇 ALT-0165 楼 ALT-0166 娄

ALT-0167 搂 ALT-0168 篓 ALT-0169 漏

ALT-0170 陋 ALT-0171 芦 ALT-0172 卢

ALT-0173 颅 ALT-0174 庐 ALT-0175 炉

ALT-0176 掳 ALT-0177 卤 ALT-0178 虏

ALT-0179 鲁 ALT-0180 麓 ALT-0181 碌

ALT-0182 露 ALT-0183 路 ALT-0184 赂

ALT-0185 鹿 ALT-0186 潞 ALT-0187 禄

ALT-0188 录 ALT-0189 陆 ALT-0190 戮

ALT-0191 驴 ALT-0192 脌 ALT-0193 脕

ALT-0194 脗 ALT-0195 脙 ALT-0196 脛

ALT-0197 脜 ALT-0198 脝 ALT-0199 脟

ALT-0200 脠 ALT-0201 脡 ALT-0202 脢

ALT-0203 脣 ALT-0204 脤 ALT-0205 脥

ALT-0206 脦 ALT-0207 脧 ALT-0208 脨

ALT-0209 脩 ALT-0210 脪 ALT-0211 脫

ALT-0212 脭 ALT-0213 脮 ALT-0214 脰

ALT-0215 脳 ALT-0216 脴 ALT-0217 脵

ALT-0218 脷 ALT-0219 脹 ALT-0220 脺

ALT-0221 脻 ALT-0222 脼 ALT-0223 脽

ALT-0224 脿 ALT-0225 谩 ALT-0226 芒

ALT-0227 茫 ALT-0228 盲 ALT-0229 氓

ALT-0230 忙 ALT-0231 e ALT-0232 猫

ALT-0233 茅 ALT-0234 锚 ALT-0235 毛

ALT-0236 矛 ALT-0237 铆 ALT-0238 卯

ALT-0239 茂 ALT-0240 冒 ALT-0241 帽

ALT-0242 貌 ALT-0243 贸 ALT-0244 么

ALT-0245 玫 ALT-0246 枚 ALT-0247 梅

ALT-0248 酶 ALT-0249 霉 ALT-0250 煤

ALT-0251 没 ALT-0252 眉 ALT-0253 媒

ALT-0254 镁 ALT-0255 每

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

There is a thing on the computer called Character Map.

It tells you all the possible characters you can type into a computer, including those symbols.

Start%26gt;All Programs%26gt;Accessories%26gt;System Tools%26gt;Character Map


See? :P

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

It's not really a code

all you need to do is put %26amp;*h*e*a*r*t*s*;

where i put the * you need to remove just put the %26amp; symbol type out heart then put the ;

it should look like 鈾?br> 鈥?( %26amp;*dagger*; ) -minus the * (to show only)

鈾?( %26amp;*clubs*; )

if you see a symbol you like just copy it and paste, will come out just as

You know those hearts you can put in your display name on myspace...?

thanks for asking I had no idea either until i looked at the answers!


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